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Comunicacion y Visibilidad
Helping beter position PAHO as a partner of choice in the Americas
Engagement with donors, Member States, and other stakeholders

Making evaluations findings public is key to fostering effectiveness, as well as efficiency, transparency, and accountability in PAHO and its Member States. Through effective communication and dissemination, external stakeholders become aware of PAHO's efforts to conduct evaluations and build upon recommendations to learn and improve. ln 2023, PAHO established communication channels with Member States and key donors to update them on evaluations and on mobilization efforts for implementing the recommendations. PAHO also targeted key audiences and delegations participating in PAHO's Governing Bodies events throughout the year. Materials such as videos, briefs, and leveraging innovative media have been key to increase awareness and visibility of PAHO's evaluation function.

Engagement with WHO, UNEG, and beyond

PAHO Evaluation participates in various collaborative efforts with international organizations. !in 2023, for instance, PAHO contributed and supported WHO's Evaluation Workplan on areas such as Primary Health Care, the Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13), and constructively discussing the proposed WHO Evaluation Framework. PAHO also contributed to the WHO MOPAN10 Assessment.

ln addition, PAHO Evaluation has re-engaged with UNEG, participating in a range of activities, including the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM} in Washington, D.C. PAHO Evaluation contributed to the SDG Synthesis Coalition UNEG workgroup, which focuses on synthetizing learning from SDG 3 and SDGS, and in the SDG Synthesis Task Force. A knowledge-sharing seminar featuring the Director and Deputy Director of IFAD's evaluation office was held in January 2023 at PAHO's headquarters, to discuss building an evaluation culture, further reflecting PAHO's commitment to knowledge exchange in the world of evaluation.

Publication and dissemination

PAHO places significant emphasis on transparency and on the dissemination of its evaluation exercises. Evaluations' relevant content is now available in Spanish, including briefs or key management statements to summarize and highlight evaluations' key findings. ln 2023, PAHO Evaluation published a total of 15 documents, including internal and external materials. Substantial time and effort by PAHO Evaluation staff, consultants and interns were devoted to the visibility and dissemination of PAHO's evaluations in the second half of 2023, and a comparable significant effort can be expected in 2024 as more evaluations become available. PAHO collaborated with multiple entities internally to maximize the outreach and the impact of its initiatives. The importance of evaluations for PAHO and the Organization's commitment to transparency and accountability became ever more visible with two key statements published by the Director. Coinciding with the release of the first two corporate evaluation reports, they further enhance the visibility and influence of these important documents through such high-level support.